
Personal Effectiveness and Self Mastery Skills in a Fast-Changing World

Programme Overview

This programme will provide participants with practical tools and skills to use in their day-to-day interactions. It will help you understand your strengths and weakness and have clarity of who you are.

The programme will provide tools that create and sustain personal effectiveness. By using these skills, participants will see notable differences in their relationships with colleagues as well as individuals in their personal lives.

Course Objectives

  • Understand ways to take ownership of performance and growth.
  • To discover strengths and professional skills for high performance and enable
  • Learn new and advanced skills for continuous improvement.
  • To gear you to stay competitive and gain confidence in the rapidly changing work environment.
  • To enable you develop and enhance skills to increase effectiveness at work and help them achieve above average.
  • Understand that the average never wins an award.
  • Learn to prioritize work schedules, manage intrusion and excel in organizational expectation, work balance and life schedules.


  • Self-Management for Optimal Performance
  • Win-Win Negotiation Skills
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • The Big Picture: Understanding Communication
  • Priority Management
  • Effective Delegation Techniques
  • Mastering the Art of Conversation
  • Interpersonal Communication

Personal Effectiveness and Self Mastery Skills in a Fast-Changing World


2 Days

Delivery Methodology

Onsite, Online, Hybrid


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