
Delivering Constructive Criticism

Programme Overview 

A Harvard Business Review Study asserts that constructive criticism does more to improve the performance of workers than positive feedback. 

No one likes to give constructive criticism, but everyone wants to hear it. Despite the benefits of and desire to receive constructive criticism in the workplace, managers and leaders strongly dislike giving this feedback. This course will reveal to participants techniques to adopt in delivering constructive criticism in the workplace. 

Course Objectives  

  • Understand helpful ways to give feedback. 
  • Be able to overcome main blockers in helpful feedback delivery. 
  • Be able to analyze the critical messages from an assertive perspective. 
  • Understand how to prepare your mind to assertively deliver criticism. 


  • Understanding Constructive Criticism 
  • Delivering Constructive Criticism 
  • The Assertive Strategy 
  • Assertiveness and Giving Your Opinion 


Delivering Constructive Criticism


2 Days

Delivery Methodology

Onsite, Online, Hybrid


Poise School of Management
