
Interpersonal Communication Skills in the Workplace (ICSW)

Programme Overview 

Have you ever had the impression that the person you are speaking to is not understanding you or that you are not coming across as you intended? It is not just you, Our ICSW programme outlines why and how we can correct this problem. Most of us believe that people view us for who we really are and as we see ourselves. Both, however, are untrue. Little biases that permeate our daily encounters color how we are perceived by others as well as how we view them. Once you are aware of the lenses that affect perception, you may learn to make your message clearer. 

Course Objectives (What You Will Learn) 

  • Build greater confidence in managing and responding to a range of workplace communication scenarios. 
  •  Learn physical and vocal techniques to support effective workplace communication. 
  •  Have a greater awareness of unique communication styles. 
  •  Learn strategies to successfully plan and deliver workplace communications
  • Learn how to receive adequate feedback  


  • The Basics of Interpersonal Communication 
  • Communicating Effectively at the Workplace 
  • Displaying Courteousness and Thoughtfulness at the Workplace 
  • Interpersonal Effectiveness in Meetings. 
  • Listening Skills Communication Barrier 

Interpersonal Communication Skills in the Workplace (ICSW)


2 Days

Delivery Methodology

Onsite, Online, Hybrid


Poise School of Communication
